If You are Unhappy Today, Know This. Still.

This is not a political post. But, I see so many people on my timeline today really afraid, and really upset, and really sad. My heart goes out to you that you are feeling that way. I don’t like to see anyone I love be sad. But, know this….the future of our entire world is still in your hands…each and every day. The following things have NOT changed: Continue reading “If You are Unhappy Today, Know This. Still.” »


Hey, Kids…It’ll be Alright

This morning dawned a new day, with a new President-elect, and people are really struggling to feel heard and understood…on both sides. As a family, we expose our children quite a lot to the political process. We want them to see what is happening, understand how it works, and also see how people react. But, this election has been slightly different for me. If you read my earlier post on whether or not this political climate is making us into bullies (you can find that post here), you know that in the end…one of the things that matters to me a great deal is how our children are feeling.  This morning, the children are STILL watching us. What are they learning today? Continue reading “Hey, Kids…It’ll be Alright” »


How to Quiet the Noise in your Head (when the World get LOUD!)

We live in a society of information overload. Sometimes, that overload is just too much. Too much to deal with, too much to hear, and too much to wrap your head around. The perfect prescription for those moments of overload is to step away from it all…and come back to who you are at the very core. Right now, the noises in our world are very LOUD. People are overwhelmed, and a bit cranky, because of all the things happening around them. How do you quiet those noises? These steps can help. Continue reading “How to Quiet the Noise in your Head (when the World get LOUD!)” »


Is Today’s Political Climate Making Us Bullies?

This election has been tense, and filled with all kinds of emotion. As parents, we work hard every day to teach our children to be kind and thoughtful. We ask them not to speak disrespectfully. We talk to them about being fair and hearing the other person’s side of the story. But, as parents, are we struggling to do the same in a political climate that is making us all feel a little self-righteous? Continue reading “Is Today’s Political Climate Making Us Bullies?” »
