When I was a little girl, I found a copy of this prayer, deep in the bottom of the tack box. I spent hours reading it…and knew it by heart. This prayer guided me, in my interactions with all the horses in my life…and with a lot of other animals, too. Today, I still think about this prayer in those moments when I am working in the barn. I wish I still had it, but it has been lost to time. I knew it was old, and its oldness held a special reverence for me. This words rang true when it was written, when I sat in the barn reading it, and still ring true today. I can still feel the paper in my hands…and my heart will always carry its words.
Here on the Front Range of Colorado, we haven’t had much of a winter at all. I always look forward to a few good snow storms to ready to pasture and garden for the coming dry summer. But, this year…not much happened. This sets me up for knowing that the summer will likely still be dry…and I will need to pay special attention to my garden. Because of this, I’ll be looking for some early spring plantings and salad greens that can take a random spring snow storm (since it is very likely one WILL come). The unseasonably warm weather has me itching to get out in the soil. I want to ready it for planting, check to see how it wintered, and get a few seeds in the ground.
This time of year, my mind begins to turn to spring. I start imagining all the wonderful things we can grow, and look forward to those first spring salads. I try to keep my garden as chemical free as possible, because I hate the idea that my boys are exposed to anything that could possibly harm them. Because my kids are known to go right out to the garden, pick something, and stand there and eat it…it worries me to use too many chemicals in that space. For me, essential oils came along as an answer to this issue. We already use them throughout our home and for our body products, so it was natural to try them in our garden space. Here are just a few of the uses of essential oils in our growing spaces! Continue reading “Essential Oils in the Garden!” »
You may have read my recipe for Jello Gummy Snacks and wondered about ways to make that yummy snack just a touch healthier for your kids. In my family, I have one child who is sensitive to red food dye, so right away using Jello can sometimes be a problem. These Juicy Gummies are a wonderful alternative to that snack and have just a few very simple ingredients. If you are looking for a gummy type snack without all the added “Yuck!” give these a try. Continue reading “Juicy Gummy Snacks (The Healthier Version)” »
When many people think of homesteading, they picture a far off, rural, place where people live off-grid and only off the land. This is true for some people, but the vast majority of modern homesteaders are, in fact, living much like you. They may have an urban homestead, where they grow food in all their available spaces and source food locally. They may be suburban, with a little more space. They could be living off the grid, or they could have every modern amenity available to them. The truth is: Homesteading today looks very similar to everyone else’s life, but with an eye toward sustainability, self-sufficiency, and healthy living. Continue reading “Learning Old Time Skills to Help Your Homestead” »
I have one son who LOVES gummy snacks. He thinks having a cupboard FULL of fruit snacks is the ultimate in snacking perfection. But, I have trouble finding fruit snacks for a reasonable price that I ACTUALLY want him to eat. Many options are full of preservatives, and the ones that aren’t are at a price that I am just not willing to pay for a “quick” snack. I stumbled upon many recipes online for homemade snacks, but none of them set up to be quite “gummy” enough. They often had a texture much closer to a jiggler, and were not very easy to pack into lunchboxes. So, I set out to create my own. Here is how you can do it at home, super quick and easy! Continue reading “Easy Peasy Jello Gummy Snacks” »
This is not a political post. But, I see so many people on my timeline today really afraid, and really upset, and really sad. My heart goes out to you that you are feeling that way. I don’t like to see anyone I love be sad. But, know this….the future of our entire world is still in your hands…each and every day. The following things have NOT changed: Continue reading “If You are Unhappy Today, Know This. Still.” »
I am so excited to be a part of your family. I can see that you are all very excited, too! Everyone wants to hold me and spend time with me today. I hope that you will love me just as much tomorrow, and next week, and when I make a mistake. I am excited, but also scared. This is all new to me. I have a lot to learn. Continue reading “A Letter from the Christmas Puppy” »
My Grandpa Jack was quite a character. He loved to stop by to visit, have a meal, and talk a little bit. One of his favorite times to do this was near the holiday season, when the house would fill with the aroma of these sweet Molasses Cookies. The warm spices warm your soul, and they are the perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea or coffee. The taste of these cookies reminds me a bit of Chai tea…so I have a serious affection for them. Grandpa Jack never left without his bucket of cookies this time of year! Continue reading “Grandpa Jack’s Molasses Cookies: Sentimental Sunday” »
There is a little tension in my house this week. Okay, a LOT! You see, it’s Buckeye week, the most anticipated candy making session of my entire year. My boys love buckeyes. They may even be addicted to them.
Buckeyes were a yearly addition to all the cookie trays when I was growing up and I have continued that tradition with my own children. But, because they love peanut butter cups all year long, they eagerly await the day that the kitchen fills with the smell of peanut butter and powdered sugar. They eat them off the tray sometimes as fast as I can roll them. And…always…I have to remind them to slow down, because I learned as a child that too many buckeyes can really give you a heck of a sugar buzz! Continue reading “Classic Buckeyes: Peanut Butter Candies your Family WILL Love!” »